Undertale Wiki

Serious Mode (for lack of a known official name) occurs under certain conditions and removes minor jokes while it is in effect. It is entered automatically in certain circumstances.

Known Serious Mode Occurrences[]

Known Effects of Serious Mode[]

  • Items with comically shortened titles in encounters are abbreviated in a less humorous way.
Name Usually shortened to Becomes
Spider Donut SpidrDont SpdrDonut
Spider Cider SpidrCidr SpdrCider
Butterscotch Pie ButtsPie Pie
Tough Glove TuffGlove Glove
Manly Bandanna Mandanna Bandanna
Unisicle Unisicle Popsicle (use text stays the same)
Cinnamon Bunny CinnaBun C.Bun
Abandoned Quiche Ab Quiche Quiche
Ballet Shoes BallShoes Shoes
Old Tutu Old Tutu Tutu
Annoying Dog Annoy Dog Dog
Dog Residue DogResidu D.Residue
Astronaut Food AstroFood Astr.Food
Instant Noodles InstaNood I.Noodles
Glamburger GlamBurg G.Burger
Legendary Hero Leg,Hero L.Hero
Torn Notebook TornNotbo Notebook
Cloudy Glasses ClodGlass Glasses
Stained Apron StainApro Apron
Worn Dagger WornDG W.Dagger
Heart Locket Red SOUL sprite <--Locket H.Locket
Undyne's Letter UndynLetr Letter
Undyne's Letter EX UndynLtrX Letter
Popato Chisps PT Chisps Chips
Mystery Key MystryKey Key
Steak in the Shape of Mettaton's Face FaceSteak (Fsteak) Steak
Hush Puppy HushPupe HushPuppy
Temmie Armor Temmie AR Tem.Armor

Cut Items affected by Serious Mode[]

Items cut from the game that had their normal abbreviations changed to something less humorous.

Name Usually shortened to Becomes
Pumpkin Rings PunkRings PmknRings
Stoic Onion StocOnoin Onion
Ghost Fruit GhostFrut GhstFruit
Puppydough Icecream PDIceCram Ice Cream (use text stays the same)


  • Dog Residue is the only item that makes a sound when used in this mode.
