Undertale Wiki

Sprites v. Screenshots - I will clean this up if I am allowed[]

Let's go by the definition of sprite and remove the "battle sprites" from that category. The disorder in this image gallery is largely due to mixing of sprites and screenshots.

Sprites - can be found in the game files and have specific file names. They are images that can be manipulated individually and are integrated into a larger scene.

Screenshots - taken of the in-game experience provided by the coalescence of multiple sprite files.

Therefore, I propose that we add a "Battle Room Screenshots" subcategory and start by making sure all sprites are in the sprite subcategories.

I see no reason to make that category. Screenshots are shots of the screen, and sprites are taken from game files. Be aware that Game Maker's definition of sprites varies from the real definion of a sprite. If you are talking about this file, it's a screenshot due to being shot from in-game, as far as I can see. If it is a real sprite then please supply the in-game filename next time.
Also, can you not use talkpages? They are like, as old as Wikia is, there are 100x better alternatives. Thanks
-- KockaAdmiralac here. That's it. 15:14, May 6, 2016 (UTC)